Race Your Barista
A creative voting intervention that challenges students and UMMA Cafe patrons to check their voter registration or get registered to vote before their cafe order is ready.
Date: September — October 2023
Deliverables: Physical Installation, Art Direction, Identity, Promotional Materials (Poster, GIF, Stickers and Buttons, Table Tents)
Disciplines: Branding & Identity, Mockup
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
The intervention provides two pathways with QR codes, one for patrons to check their registration, and the other for them to register online.
Project Objectives:
How can we reduce the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding voter registration?
•Provide a realistic time estimate for voter registration
•Provide students with basic voting resources
•Make the moment of registration highly visible
•Employ the proximity of the UMMA cafe to direct student voters to the Ann Arbor voting hub offices
Process Work
Rome wasn't built in a day, you know! Race Your Barista has been through countless iterations to refine its visual and written language. Check out the journey below.